Detrital rocks of mixed composition (D)

Dg-Mx: Polymictic conglomerates

Dg-Mx: Polymictic breccia

Dh-Mx: Conglomerates, sandstone and mudrocks

Dm-Mx: Large-grained sandstone

Dm-Mx: Fine-grained sandstone

Df-Mx: Sandstone and mudrocks
Detrital rocks of siliceous composition (D)

Dg-Q/Si: Conglomerates of quartz pebbles

Dh-Q/Si: Sandstones and conglomerates

Dh-Q/Si: Sandstone and mudrocks

Dm-Q/Si: Arkoses

Df-Q/Si: Red lutites

Df-Q/Si: Slates
Non consolidated detrital sediments of mixed composition (DNc)

DhNc-Mx: Gravels and pebbles

DhNc-Mx: Gravels and mud

DhNc-Mx: Sands

DhNc-Mx: Beach sand

DhNc-Mx: Sand and silt

DhNc-Mx: Colluvium
Detrital rocks with organic matter (DO)

Mx/Mo: Black slates

Mx/Mo: Fine-grained sandstone with organic matter

Mx/Mo: Peat
Carbonate rocks (C)

C-Ca: Mudstone, fine-grained limestone

C-Ca: Grainstone, large-grained limestone

C-Ca: Reef, reef limestone

C-Do: Dolomite

C-Ca/Do: Limestone and dolomite

CDh-Ca/Mx: Travertine
Carbonate and detrital rocks (CD)

CDg-Ca/Si: Carbonate breccia

CDg-Ca/Si: Bioclastic grainstone

CDf-Ca/Si: Marly limestone
Detrital and carbonated rocks (DC)

DfC-Si/Ca: Marls

CDf-Ca/Si: Limestones and mudrocks

DhC-Mx/Ca: Mudrocks, marls, sandstones and limestones
Carbonate rocks with organic matter (CO)

CO-CaMo: Limestone and lignite

CO-CaMo: Limestone with coal

CO-CaMo: Bituminous marl with oil
Detrital rocks, carbonated and evaporÃtiques (DE, DCE)

DE: Mudrocks and gypsum

DCE: Mudrocks, sandstones, limestones, marls and gypsum

DCE: Marls and gypsum
Evaporites (E)

E: Salt

E: Sodium and potassium salts

E: Gypsum
Other sedimentary rocks

Clays with carbonate concretions

