Snow depth for past seasons

InfoGruixNeu service. Snow-meteorological stations with snow thickness measurement
Sasseuva Bonaigua Boí Malniu Cadí Nord Cadí Nord Núria Pastuïra Certascan

        Sensible map, click on automatic snow and weather observer stations
  (Sasseuva | Boí | Bonaigua | Certascan | Cadí Nord | Malniu | Núria | Pastuïra)

The graphs of the current season are updated at 11 am from Monday to Saturday. The daily evolution of the height of snowpack on the ground, measured at 08.00 h, is represented by a blue area. Data are verified before being published.

In addition, the evolution of the 10, 30, 50, 70 and 90% percentiles for each station appears in the graphs. Thus, given one season, the 30th percentile line corresponds to the height of snowpack that, for each day, is below the 30% of the years and therefore is exceeded by the remaining 70%. The assessment is obtained from the position of the daily thickness of snow into one of the intervals delimited by the following curves:

  • Thickness
  • Thickness between the 10th and 30th percentiles: Deficient
  • Thickness between the 30th and 70th percentiles: Normal
  • Thickness between the 70th and 90th percentiles: Surplus
  • Thickness> Percentile 90: Very surplus
Automatic snow and weather station Sasseuva (Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya) Historical record
ETRS89 UTM31N X: 314445 Y: 4737781 | Altitude (m): 2228 | Orientation: NW
Climate domain: Aran-Franja Nord de la Pallaresa | Start date: 20/09/2001
